“One week and not so bad”
My status update on facebook is not really all I feel about Being here. There is so much more. I am satisfied and extremely proud of myself about making it till here. I am relaxed in my present environment(apart from the irregularities in the water and the occassionally inedible food) as well as stressed out about the next 3 years.
But yeah I am here now and its been suprisingly welcoming! And for a change I am following a timetable(atleast for now)
p.s: I am laptopless and my room mate is ultra sweet to lend me and let me use her laptop even more than she does.
p.p.s:Oh btw that is Rituparna Ghosal . and i love her already!
p.p.p.s my first post from SVC Rohan Hostel B 342..!! yeeeiiiieeee!!
:D yeaaaah..!!!