I had stopped accepting this in a while - im utterly “GIRLY”…. I love different colours.. ..I love ice creams and chocolates.. I love soft music… I adore clothes.. I njoy lookin good(and girly which I havnt been lookin in the last 2yrs)…and I love “love stories”.. I love reading or watchin them….
In the last 2yrs I had neglected the GIRL within me..!! who regardless of how tuff and straight forward she was loved coming back home and spending her solitude time reading and watchin love stories..
So when I came back to my senses and realized what b***s*** I have been doin and what kind of people iv been givin importance n my time I knew it was time to go back to being – ME..!!
My first step was to remove all those things that meant nothing to me anymore and should hav never meant anthing to me.. I threw away all my clothes and books I used in jc..
I basically made place for my brand new “LIFE”….
Next step was buying a phone that wud be just rite for me.. and I gt the perfect thing..
it is white.. it twinkles.. and is absolutely affordable..!
My favourite step was obvsly - SHOPPING..!! lots and lots of shopping..!! globus…provogue…remanika…pantaloons…westside...109 degree f…AND…miss players….etc…etc….
Lots of colours and lots of frills..!!
Then it was time for a super cool haircut…(though I wasn’t pretty successful as far this step ws concerned.. who do I blame?? My hair ofcourse.. and they blame me in return for havin nt taken care of them.. n I cn jus say I had fun with them..)
And finally some good sleep..
In this last one mnth I did everythin I love.. I shopped.. I watched amazing love stories.. I read lots n lots of books…I danced… I ate like a pig..(put on 2kgs..but iv stopped worrying abt for now)…. I LIVED..!!
N there I was all set… the one mnth has without doubt been the best mnth of my life..!! ;)